
Saturday, October 6, 2012


We've already discussed the importance of grip in a previous blog post titled "Hookers Have Big Snatches!", but I'm going to cover the topic of hand placement on the barbell for the snatch, clean, and the jerk.  I'll break this down into a three part series, starting with the snatch.  I plan on doing this as it comes naturally for me - by the numbers (a.k.a. Marine Corps style) -- one step at a time.

If this subject matter (hand placement on the bar) is a little to elementary for you, or if your level of expertise and experience is beyond this subject please move on and save yourself some reading.  However, there are others who aren't "squared away" so this post is intended to get their shit together .  So either be patient and read my ramblings or move on to the next blog.  My intent is to educate with a splash of humor, not bore you to death.  So stay if you want, otherwise -- post!

Grip and hand placement go "hand-in-hand" -- damn, did I just type that corny shit?  Corny word play aside, when preparing for the classic lifts, hand placement is critical.  It can result in the difference between an efficient, well executed lift, to a complete bomb out on the platform and looking like a complete fart-knocker.  So take heed and get your learn on.

Throughout the course of my weightlifting experience, I've been taught a few different ways to find the perfect hand placement for the snatch.  Of course, any of these methods work fairly well and, in the end, they produce nearly the same result; but, ultimately, it will take trial and error on your part to see what works best for you and the keen eye of a seasoned coach to help make adjustments to increase your efficiency with the lifts.

"Eye Balls":  The first method is what I call the "Eye-Balls" method.  This is my preferred method due to its simplicity. You read that correctly.  Nothing very scientific about it, just grasp the barbell and place it overhead with your arms fully extended.  You don't even have to snatch the barbell overhead, just get it there.  Is the barbell 3-4 inches from the top of your head?  Yes or no?  If it's not 3-4 inches above your head, then adjust your hands either laterally towards the sleeves of the barbell or medially towards the center of the barbell.  Keep adjusting your hands until the barbell hovers 3-4 inches over your head, while your arms are fully extended.  Like magic, you've just found your snatch grip hand placement on the barbell - remember it.  This method is stupid-simple, effective and easy to use on the fly -- any monkey can do it, even the sweaty goon pictured below, so try it.

3-4 inches Rock!  That's 3-4 feet!  Move the hands out laterally!
Adjust, adjust, adjust!

Outstanding!  Now go take a shower Nasty!

"Pockets":  The next method is apply called the "Pockets" method, which I've learned from Coach Burgener of Mike's Gym.  This is the second method of determining hand placement on the barbell.  A little more involved than "Eye-Balls" but it works just as well.  Simply hold the bar while standing upright, move the hands laterally or medially until the barbell reaches the height of your hip crease or "pockets".  Don't know where your hip crease lies?  What are you freaking stupid?  Okay, I'll give you a break this one time, but you need to develop some kinesthetic awareness if you plan on becoming a good weightlifter!

To find your hip crease or "Pockets", stand upright, place your hands on your hips like you're portraying an episode of Wonder Woman.

Hand on hips, turn your head to the left and cough.
Wonder Weightlifter... You're a Wonder... Wonder Weightlifter!

Now, bend slightly at the hips by sending your ass back like a stripper who needs to make quick cash to buy blow for her dead-beat common law husband/pimp.  Feel the crease made when bending slightly forward and with your ass back -- near your "pockets"?  That's the hip crease.

Bending at the hips to find the hip crease.
(Looks like I'm trying to take a dump while standing up.)
To establish your "Pockets" hand position take the following two steps:

1 - Hold the barbell with the hand placement you would have for a snatch.  Ensure your arms are fully extended with elbows locked out.

Barbell is on the hip crease or
in the "Pockets" position.

Side view.
Barbell is riding on the hip crease or "Pockets"
(This is good trash!)

2 - Lift your left knee to "boot top height" -- like you're "marking time" -- military lingo for those who have served.  In other words, lift your left knee up approximately 12 inches.

Notice there is no break in the elbow when the left knee is raised?
(You're "squared away and good to go".)

If there is no break in the left elbow/arm then your "good to go" -- more military jargon.

Common fault corrections with the "Pockets" method:

It's obvious the hand placement is way to close for a snatch.
(Hello, Stupid!  Move those hands out
 and where is your "no shaving chit" -- TURD?)

Break in the elbow when the knee is lifted
indicates the hand placement is too close -- no shit.
(Move the hands out Rock!)

"Measure Me This":  The third method involves measuring - who the hell has time for that shit, or a tape measure sitting around the platform?  So, we're going to forgo this method completely.  If you're really interested in this method, Google it.  Otherwise, I'm going to save myself some typing and you some reading.

Measure this...
So, there you have it.  Three - actually two - methods of determining hand placement on the barbell for a snatch.  One - simple, two - a little more involved, and three - too freaking involved and not worth the time.  Hopefully, with the aforementioned methods, you'll establish the perfect hand placement for a killer snatch, because everybody wants to hold onto a big snatch!


  1. Hilarious, yet informational.

    1. Thanks Lisa! You don't carry a tape measure around with you at all times? Not even in your gym bag? Hahaha! Just trying to provide a little humor on a rather dull subject. I'm glad you liked the post. Hopefully, I'll get the second part on the cleans finished by the end of the week and provide a few more laughs for you and my other reader.

  2. LOL. " other reader." Don't worry, this blog will blow up soon.


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